Sarah Brookes
Nutritional Therapist & AIP Coach
Hello, I'm Sarah! I'm a nutritional therapist and Autoimmune Protocol Coach. I help determind women with Autoimmune Thyroiditis (Hashimoto's) regain their energy and clarity, lose weight, balance their digestion and eliminate debilitating symptoms such as joint pain, anxiety and hair loss. I have reversed my own Hashimoto's Autoimmune Thyroiditis using nutrition, lifestyle and other holistic therapies. Now I want to help you do the same!
I can support you wherever you are on your journey, to take control of your health and reverse your thyroid symptoms so you can start feeling like the best version of yourself again.
Why work with me?
I'm not just a qualified functional nutritionist, but I have also been there and taken all of the necessary steps to reverse my condition myself. So I get how you're feeling and know what you need to do. After helping hundreds of women feel better through thousands of clinic hours, I can give you a tried and tested journey that will save you time and money trying to work things out by yourself.
​I believe that everyone has the right to feel their best and know how to eat and live in the way that we were designed to and show you how to unlock your body's innate ability to heal.​

Do You Ever Wonder?
Why am I so exhausted?
Why do I feel old beyond my years?
Why am I constantly gaining weight, no matter what I do?
Why do I have brain fog, poor memory and concentration?
Why are my joints painful and stiff and my muscles achey?
Why am I losing my hair and my eyebrows thinning?
Why am I always so bloated and have digestive issues?
I'm so emotional and irritable, this isn't really who I am.
Why are my periods heavy, painful and hormones out of balance?
I went through all of this and so much more, thinking nothing could be done and I was just less fortunate than others, but that wasn't the case.
I wasn't being taken seriously by my GP and no one around me understood what I was going through. I was left to put a brave face on and get on with my life. I didn't know how to get back to my old self again.
In the end, I realised that I had to find my own way out of this. I took control and went on a journey to transform my health. Now I want to help you to do the same.
Get Back To Your Best
Strive for change, embrace a better way of living, commit to your health and loving yourself more.
Then...finally open the doors to the best version of you!

Work With Me...

Join My Community
Reverse Your Thyroid Symptoms:
For Women with Hashimoto's.
This group is for determind women who want to learn how to address their symptoms and manage their Hashimoto's with nutrition and lifestyle changes.
Join me for daily support to regain your energy and clarity, lose weight, banish your bloating and joint pain for good, so you can get back on top of life again.
Get Started With My Gift To You!
Beyond The Numbers: A Clear Guide To Your Thyroid Test Results
For women with Hashimoto's who are tired of confusing thyroid test results and frustrating GP visits!
Here is your FREE clear and detailed reference guide to help you understand and interpret your thyroid lab results.
Unlock the power of the numbers and take control of your health now.

How Did I Get Here?
It all started for me from an early age with the classic first signs of constipation. Unfortunately, after suffering from chronic stress and abuse throughout my childhood, this set the stage for health issues I’d face later.
By the time I was 15 I was suffering from a lack of energy, poor circulation and coldness, joint pain and brain fog. I was anaemic and low in Vitamin A. By my late twenties I was suffering from weight gain, chronic bloating, loss of eyebrows, heavy periods and PMS on top of everything else. I was a mess, but I thought it was just ageing.
In my early 30s, I knew I had to change. I left corporate life to study nutrition and naturopathy, but while working in a school, the stress triggered my first major health flare. A student clinic opportunity led to my diagnosis, which was a pivotal moment I’ll always be grateful for. . If I hadn't been studying nutrition at the time, I honestly don’t know where I would be now.
I had the confidence and knowledge to know that something could be done and that medication wasn’t the only answer. I had seen wellness figures succeed with lifestyle and nutrition changes, which fueled my belief that I could heal and help others do the same.
I suddenly found my purpose in life and a determination to turn things around. I was determined to reverse my Hashimoto’s, knowing that levothyroxine alone wouldn’t be enough, as it often isn’t for most women. I needed to address inflammation, digestive issues, nutrient deficiencies, and sub-optimal lifestyle choices. I also needed to address the emotional aspect of hypothyroidism, rebalance my nervous system and support my liver.
Over nearly a decade, I tried every healing diet appropriate, tens of supplements, and functional tests that would give me the data I needed. I did courses, dug into the research and read a wide variety of books. Then the magic happened! I watched my antibodies come tumbling down as I improved my energy, focus, mood, skin, and hormones. I found my voice and ability to express myself (a huge moment for me), and found the ability to set boundaries, and finally felt like the person I was always meant to be.
It pains me to think of the years I spent at less than my best, and I don’t want to leave you behind! That’s why I’m here—to guide you on your own path to health. I’ve been where you are, and now, I know the way out. Join me, and let’s find your best self together. It’s worth every step.